Our service does not replace a physical doctor's appointment. We only provide quick access where you are unable to reach a doctor due to time or distance constraints to prevent self-treatment or self-medication.
You are advised to rush to the nearest hospital in case of emergencies, as we only manage mild cases online.
Once our doctors establish that your case can not be resolved online, they simply refer you to a hospital near you.
You can dial our smart-line (08100006975) and hold a toll free consultation with any of our doctors.
Kindly contact support @myclinic.ng or dial our smart-line (08100006975) to hold a toll-free consultation with any of our doctors.
You can enroll your spouse and children below 18 years.
Yes. You can switch from a lower to a higher subcription model anytime from your mobile App
You can download the App on Google Play Store(for Andriod)< or Apple Store (for iOS) completely free of charge.
Your health data is securely stored in HIPPA complaint server in accordance with our Terms & conditions and Privacy policy
You can find all the information you need on the doctors profile including their MDCN registration numbers.